WICKED, the acclaimed stage musical that tells the incredible untold story of the Witches of Oz, has been voted ‘Best Theatre Production for Schools’ by educators for a second consecutive year at the School Travel Awards. The production continues an open-ended run at London’s Apollo Victoria Theatre, where it is now in its 12th year, and is also touring the UK & Ireland throughout 2018.
Organised by School Travel Organiser Magazine, the School Travel Awards recognise the best venues, attractions and companies for educational visits, in order that teachers can organise first class experiences when it comes to learning outside the classroom. The awards were presented at the Royal Garden Hotel in London on Thursday 9 November 2017 and presented by Fiona Bruce.
Michael McCabe, Executive Producer (UK) of WICKED said: “We are honoured that educators have chosen to present the ‘Best Theatre Production for Schools’ award to Wicked, especially for a second consecutive year. The remarkable story of integrity and tolerance at the heart of the show resonates strongly with young people and we are privileged that so many teachers continue to engage with, and champion, the production. We are also incredibly proud of the education and outreach work that surrounds the show. At a time when education professionals are being forced to argue the case for arts education harder than ever before, we remain committed to providing every possible opportunity to support the social development and cultural enrichment of young people in this country.”
The production’s education and outreach programmes proudly support the work of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the National Literacy Trust and the Woodland Trust.