Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away, created by legendary animator and director Hayao Miyazaki has been re-imagined for the stage by Toho Theatrical Department and Olivier and Tony Award-winning director John Caird.
Following a sell-out tour of Japan in 2022, the original Japanese cast have opened the spectacular production in London for a strictly limited season. The production is presented in the original Japanese, with English captions. Images have been released for the opening night, featuring special guests arriving, the curtain call and images from the cast in the post show reception.
Miyazaki’s masterpiece is brought beautifully to life with a live orchestra playing the magnificent film score by Joe Hisaishi arranged by Brad Haak, dazzling set design by Jon Bausor, wildly imaginative puppets designed by Toby Olié, choreography by Shigehiro Ide and lavish costumes by Sachiko Nakahara.
The original Japanese Stage Production of Spirited Away is based on the Oscar-winning animated feature film by Hayao Miyazaki, adapted by John Caird, co-adapted by Maoko Imai and featuring the original score by Joe Hisaishi.