The world’s longest-running show, The Mousetrap, has announced a double cast for its reopening in the West End in October.
The play, which first opened in London over 67 years ago, will be presented with social distancing on stage.
There will also be additional COVID-19 precautions backstage and in the auditorium at St. Martin’s Theatre.
The show will feature two casts alternating their appearances, with Kate Tydman, Haydn Oakley, Alexander Wolfe, Brenda Longman, Peter Landi, Lizzie Muncey, Philip Voyzeyand Paul Hilliar in one cast and Eleanor McLoughlin, Neil Ditt, Joshua Griffin, Nicola Blackman, Damien Matthews, Sarah Moss, Tony Timberlake and Sam Ebenezer completing the other.
The Mousetrap reopens at the St Martin’s Theatre on 23rd October 2020.