News: Legends of Lockdown LIVE! for one night only at the Vaudeville Theatre

May 24, 2021
News: Legends of Lockdown LIVE! for one night only at the Vaudeville Theatre

Legends of Lockdown LIVE! is set to arrive in the West End’s Vaudeville Theatre for one night only on Wednesday 9 June.

Celebrating legends from social media who have entertained us through the pandemic, the night focuses on the internet heroes who gifted us comedy, music, podcasts, dances, web series, TikToks and astute political commentary throughout the pandemic.

This joyful and innovative content has been far reaching, acting as a beacon of hope for millions.

Legends of Lockdown LIVE! showcases the outstanding individuals that kept us comforted, connected and entertained online during a time of challenging real world events.

Hosted by TikTok’s Kerry Boyne and Sooz Kempner (who has gone globally viral with her Liza-Minnelli-does-Trump’s-speeches videos) and featuring a virtual special guest appearance by Jackie Weaver who made international headlines when a chaotic parish council meeting she was chairing went viral.

The show stars Seán Burke, Joe Carter, Oscar Conlon-Morrey, Naomi Cooper, Austyn Farrell, Lizzi Gee & Rufus Batemen, Rosie Holt, Rob Madge with Mufseen Miah & Spencer Cooper for Queer Talk Podcast.

Austyn Farrell starred in viral videos dancing in the streets as Quarantina (Tina) Turner and in a big production number from
The Greatest Showman, viewed over 16 million times.

Oscar Conlon-Morrey is an award-winning actor. During lockdown he entertained the nation with a series of hilarious
theatre-themed viral videos.

Joe Carter is well known on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube for his comedy sketches generating a following of over 1.7 million
followers on TikTok.

Rosie Holt’s viral videos on twitter featured her as a pearl clutching, right wing Boris-loving lady with a lot of opinions she
can’t wait to share.

Mother and son tap dancing duo Lizzi Gee and Rufus Bateman appeared on This Morning, BBC news, Channel 5, Jeremy Vine
and German news channels to talk about their passion for tap dancing together during lockdown.

Irish comedian Seán Burke’s social media sketches gained him a rapidly growing online following.

Over the past year Naomi Cooper has been entertaining audiences via social media with her character Philippa, the yummy
mummy you love to hate. A sitcom pilot around the character has been optioned and is in the early stages of development.

Rob Madge shared hilarious home videos of childhood living room performances and holidays to Disney via their Twitter and
TikTok accounts.

Mufseen Miah and Spencer Cooper dialled in from city to city during lockdown to create a brand new LGBTQ+ podcast in
2020. Two seasons in and Queer Talk continues to uplift and platform the wider queer community and bring together the
many discussions we have about LGBTQ+ diversity and intersectionality under one podcast.

Produced by New Frame Productions with Beth Granville as Creative Director.

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