Eleanor Lloyd Productions, Eilene Davidson Productions and Kate Pakenham Productions present Kaleider’s The Money, conceived and directed by Seth Honnor.
The show will run at The Chamber, London County Hall, from 26 May to 18 June.
Time is ticking as a real group of strangers are given 60 minutes to agree on how to spend a pot of real cash. If the players run out of time, the money will roll over to the next show.
Don’t agree with them? Then you can join in, right up until the last second. But where do you stand? Will you help or hinder?
Kaleider is one of the world’s leading companies in presenting extraordinary live arts. The Money is a hybrid of immersive theatre and game theatre, guaranteeing that no two shows will ever be alike. This show sees altruism butt heads with personal interests and personality clashes as hierarchies are upended.
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